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7-Day Meditation Course
Day 1: Breathing
Introduction (3:14)
Lesson: Mindfulness of the Breath (3:33)
Practice: Mindfulness of the Breath
Day 2: Witnessing
Lesson: Witnessing (4:07)
Practice: Witnessing
Day 3: Contracting & Expanding
Lesson: Contracting & Expanding (2:31)
Practice: Contracting & Expanding
Day 4: Body Scanning
Lesson: Body Scanning (2:28)
Practice: Body Scanning
Day 5: Stillness
Lesson: Stillness (2:46)
Practice: Stillness
Day 6: Loving Kindness
Lesson: Loving Kindness (3:06)
Practice: Loving Kindness
Day 7: Sequencing
Lesson: Sequencing (2:19)
Practice: Sequencing
Conclusion (3:29)
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Lesson: Witnessing
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